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WMPG’s Jazz At The Movies, in partnership with PCM, is proud to present a free screening of the film “The Girls in the Band”

They wiggled, they jiggled, they wore low cut gowns and short shorts, they kowtowed to the club owners and smiled at the customers…and they did it all, just to play the music they loved. In the thirties and forties, hundreds of women musicians toured the country in glamorous All-Girl Bands, while others played side by side with their male counterparts. Yet by the mid-fifties female jazz musicians had literally disappeared from the workplace; their names, their contributions to music, completely forgotten.

THE GIRLS IN THE BAND tells the poignant, untold stories of female jazz and big band instrumentalists and their fascinating, groundbreaking journeys from the late 30s to the present day.

These incredibly talented women endured sexism, racism and diminished opportunities fordecades, yet continued to persevere, inspire and elevate their talents in a field that seldomwelcomed them. Today, there is a new breed of gifted young women taking their rightfulplace in the world of jazz, which can no longer deny their talents.

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