Portland String Quartet – Concert #3 (Crawford-Seeger, Brahms, Gál, & Saint-Georges)
Purchase Tickets (Redirect to PSQ Website) Sun. April 16, [...]
Purchase Tickets (Redirect to PSQ Website) Sun. April 16, [...]
VentiCordi Chamber Music, featuring PSQ Violinist and PCM Faculty [...]
Students, Musicians, and the Community are welcome to attend [...]
Stephan’s solo performance explores his unique musical language through [...]
NYC jazz veteran Tony Malaby brings his newest trio [...]
The Nordica Trio takes the stage at PCM for [...]
WMPG’s Jazz At The Movies and The Portland Conservatory [...]
Songs For my Father: Music of Titus Abbott Mike [...]
The album release celebration for the album Refractions, a [...]
Articulation is a mixed ensemble connecting jazz and chamber [...]